Kuopio Epilepsy Symposium

13.03.2024 - 15.03.2024

The Kuopio Epilepsy Symposium will take place on March 13-15, 2024 in Kuopio City Theatre, Kuopio, Finland.


Call for Abstracts

The organizing committee of the Kuopio Epilepsy Symposium 2024 invites abstracts of original contribution. Four abstracts will be selected for oral presentations and other contributions will be  presented as posters. All abstracts will be published on the Kuopio Epilepsy Symposium website. Four best contributions (either oral or poster) will be awarded a Vaajasalo Foundation grant.

The deadline for abstracts is February 1, 2024 and the maximum length is 250 words. The abstract should contain the title, authors and affiliations, and the text should be divided by subtitles: rationale, methods, results and conclusions. The submitting author will be notified of acceptance and the presentation format by email latest by February 15, 2024.

Important dates:

  • Registration opens Aug 15,2023
  • Abstract submission opens Aug 15, 2023
  • Early bird pricing ends Feb 15, 2024
  • Deadline for abstracts Feb 1, 2024
  • Registration is open until Mar 6, 2024


For more information and registration.

Click Here