NPH Research Group – NOPPLA

Group Leader

Pekka Jokinen, MD, PhD

Consultant Neurosurgeon, Turku PET Center, Turku University Hospital, Neurocenter, Neurosurgical Department


The objectives of our study are to characterize the pathophysiological changes in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH), to identify the role of the glymphatic system, and to determine the role of brain plasticity. The methods include brain imaging (PET, MRI), cerebrospinal fluid studies, biopsy of the brain tissue and meninges, blood and urine tests, and neuropsychological studies. By collecting and subsequently analyzing brain tissue and meninges biopsies together with the collection of CSF, blood and urine, and positron emission tomography (PET) imaging, it may be possible to identify and validate novel disease sensitive biomarkers and neuropathological mechanisms that could assist in the efforts in developing novel therapies for the prevention or treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.


Group Members

Senior Researchers:

  • Rinne Jaakko, Prof
  • Rinne Juha, Prof
  • Parkkola Riitta, Prof
  • Frantzen Janek, Adj. Prof.
  • Koskimäki Janne, Adj. Prof.
  • Östberg Anna, PhD
  • Gardberf Maria, Adj. Prof.


Main Funding

  • Private non-profit foundations and funds
  • Government Research Funding (VTR)