Oulu’s BrainBreak (in Finnish) Narsismi ja Alttius Skitsofreniaan Kansallinen Neurokeskus yhdessä Oulu Brain & Mind -verkoston kanssa toivottaa kaikki tervetulleeksi BrainBreak webinaariin 1.11.2023 klo…
Learning and Plasticity – LaP2025 LaP is a cross-disciplinary meeting that connects Psychological and Neuroscience research on the mechanisms of learning and brain plasticity. It…
Jyväskylä’s BrainBreak Towards the Diagnostic Use of MEG and Gut-Brain-Axis and Exercise Motivation in Obesity The next BrainBreak will be organized by…
Kuopio Epilepsy Symposium The Kuopio Epilepsy Symposium will take place on March 13-15, 2024 in Kuopio City Theatre, Kuopio, Finland. Call for…
Turku Imaging Day Turku Imaging Day is brought to you by Field of View research program together with Turku BioImaging in an effort to strengthen and grow…