Turku Imaging Day


Turku Imaging Day is brought to you by Field of View research program together with Turku BioImaging in an effort to strengthen and grow the imaging community in Turku, the European imaging capital.

The main pillars of the Turku Imaging Day are:

1) Excellent, easy-to-follow, scientific talks all about imaging;

2) Networking and making new connections;

3) Evening Get-Together to turn your new connections to new friendships.


The abstract submission for the Turku Imaging Day closes on Friday, 8th of September.


If your abstract gets selected, you will have a chance to participate in following events:

I) Flash Talk Competition: Are you an efficient and concise speaker? Introduce your research in two minutes using slides that only contain images; no text allowed.

II) Poster Competition: You don’t fancy being on the stage? Present your research in a more relaxed setting during the lunch break. You can make brand new posters or recycle already used ones as long as they relate to imaging.

III) Matchmaking Session: Do you miss a collaborator or a group member? Let the imaging community know. Chances are that your person will be in the room. This event offers an ideal opportunity to establish new collaborations.

IV) In addition, we have an abstract call for Short Talks for those of you that do not wish to compete but still want to briefly talk about their work.
Introduce your work as a short oral presentation. As the audience will be from various areas, please make it easy to follow; imagine that your grandparents are in the audience :).



Lectures in Osmo Järvi Hall, Medisiina C, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, Turku

Evening Get-Together in Flavoria, Medisiina D, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, Turku


For more information and registration, please check the website or contact jiri.funda@utu.fi.
